Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bermuda on a Scooter

We just had to do the traditional tourist thing and tool around on a scooter yesterday. Spike was the star of the show, and definitely the coolest Dude on the road. People kept slowing down to give a thumbs up or take his picture.

This is St David's Light, which has been guiding ships into Bermuda's only entrance for over 100 years. The harbor behind Judy is where our boat is located.

The gun is this picture was used to defend Bermuda's only entrance until after WWI. It is so large, that I just had to give it some scale...

The statue is The Seafarer's Memorial, honoring those lost at sea (who are named on the monument):

Judy getting close to the edge:

I just had to eat some juicy Prickly Pear fruit. Hey, it helped the original settlers survive!


  1. Those pictures of Spike are great! It looks like everyone had fun on the scooters.

    It was in the single digits here on Friday night - you're not missing much!

    Love, Julia

  2. We like your vest, wash that dirt from your lip!!!
    Neil and Jim
