There is a sailboat here in Clifton Harbor (or what's left of one). It washed up on a reef close to here on July 28th. The mast was broken off, there was plenty of other damage, and no one was aboard. The SVG Coast Guard towed it in, and here it sits:
So, a little bit of internet sleuthing by members of the cruising facebook group quickly turned up the fact that this boat had been abandoned in February, three days out from the Canary Islands, headed for the Carribean. They hit something and lost the rudder. They signaled for a rescue, and were evacuated by helicopter, as you can see in the link below. The boat took five months, but she made it here on her own, and arrived in Union. Since there were no major tropical storms in the area she traveled during that time period, I am assuming that the mast loss was due to an encounter with an outer reef before arriving on Union Island.
Three people lost their dream, and it sits here broken:
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