I need to get to the BVI in early April in order to drop off the rest of Judy's things with her friend before the friend flies home. This is the only passage all the way from Grenada which requires an overnight. People sometimes ask me if I am afraid while sailing alone. No more than I was before, I guess. I'm reminded of a small time logger whose job I checked when I was a Ranger - he worked alone, cutting enough logs for a hitch and then skidding them out. I asked him if he was worried about safety, working out there all alone, and he said, in his laconic North Country way, "Well, at least if I get killed, I'll know whose fault it was."
I leave Montserrat at 7AM, and 27 hours later I clear in at Soper's Hole and start catching up on my sleep. The wind picked up around midnight, catching me with full sail and making for a boisterous but very fast ride the rest of the way. One of the highlights was seeing the lights from Saba, Statia, St Kitts, St Bart's, and St Martin all at the same time. So, after single handing 500 miles up the arc of the Lesser Antilles, I'm right back where I was ten months ago. I'm going to see if I can find some windsurfing here. I'll keep you posted...